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Wolfsberg Cup

07 - 08 Juin 2025
, Wolfsberg
Welcome to Wolfsberg!
International youth football tournament in Austria: Wolfsberg Cup
Pays participants: 
Austria Czech Republic Italy Poland Hungary Slovakia Slovenia

​"Welcome to Wolfsberg!" Immediately upon arrival in Wolfsberg you'll notice that the Wolfsberg Cup participants are popular guests, welcomed with open arms. The picturesque town in the Koralpe mountain range, nestled between Klagenfurt and Graz, plays host to ambitious football fans. The professional club, Wolfsberg AC, plays at the highest professional level. With the Wolfsberg Cup, ATSV Wolfsberg is an excellent ambassador for the town: "this tournament is, in a word, super: the organisation, the facilities, but above all the hospitality. All of our expectations have been exceeded". This is one of the enthusiastic comments noted by one of the participants in last year's edition.

Age Categories: 
U10, U11 (U11 - U10), U12, U13 (U13-U12), U14, U15 (U15-U14), U16
ATSV Wolfsberg
Première édition: 

The Wolfsberg Cup is organised by ATSV Wolfsberg. This club was founded in 1921 and has 600 members and 10 youth teams. The first team currently plays at 4th league in Austria. The municipality of Wolfsberg plays an active role in the organisation of this tournament, as does the local tourist office.

You will play the matches at various sports grounds in the Wolfsberg area. Not only do all of these locations have beautiful pitches, they also feature spacious changing rooms and cosy canteens. Exactly what you need for a successful tournament! The main location also has a modern stadium.

  • Hostel
  • School/Sportshall

The history of Wolfsberg (460 m, 25,000 inhabitants) is a long one, stretching back over a thousand years. Wolfsberg is located between Graz and Klagenfurt in Carinthia, at the foot of the Koralpe mountain range. Visitors who approach the city from the south will see the imposing Wolfsberg Castle, which towers high above the atmospheric old town. The Wolfsberg Cup is played a few kilometres from the town centre.     




Wolfsberg castle

Even back in the 12th century, this castle was famous for the excellent construction of its fortress. The local population certainly benefited from it when the Turks and Hungarians besieged the city: there was no way for them to conquer the fortress. In the 19th century, the castle underwent a facelift, but the sturdy foundations - dating back to the 15th century - were left intact. The castle was restored in the Tudor style and is now under private ownership. From May to October, it plays host to various exhibitions and visits can be conducted by arrangement.

Toboggan run

Attention, all lovers of adrenaline-fuelled excitement. There’s a real toboggan run, called Klippitztörl, just outside Wolfsberg. It’s only open during the summer months, which coincides with the Wolfsberg Cup. The track is 1,400 metres long, has 18 curves, and you race 260 metres downhill. At its fastest point, you will hit speeds of 10 metres a second. A fun challenge and adventure for you and your team mates.

Sporthall Wolfsberg Cup

The Sportshalls in Wolfsberg are situated between 1 and 4 kilometres from the town centre of Wolfsberg. Besides the old town hall, the historic centre of Wolfsberg offers restaurants, cafés and shops. The tournament sports park with cafeteria is no more than 4 kilometres away. The halls are shared with other teams but divided into parts by putting up screens. Shared sanitary facilities, showers are available at the sports complex.

Plus d'information
Gasthöfe Wolfsberg Cup

Pour les participants, des « Gasthöfe », d’authentiques pensions-hôtels autrichiennes, ont été réservées dans et autour de Wolfsberg. La pittoresque petite ville se trouve au pied de Koralpe, où les skieurs dévalent les pistes en nombre l’hiver. Le centre séculaire de Wolfsberg et les sites du tournoi sont à faible distance. Les hôtels autrichiens jouissent d’une excellente réputation et cela vaut également pour Wolfsberg. Les hébergements sont sélectionnés par les offices de tourisme locaux et offrent d’agréables lieux de séjour et garantissent évidemment un bon sommeil.

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Les prix indiqués sont des prix "de départ" et sont soumis à la disponibilité. Toutes les informations contenues dans cette liste de prix sont basées sur les prix et les taxes connus chaque année au 1er juillet. Euro-Sportring se réserve le droit de modifier les prix si les coûts et/ou les taxes augmentent dans l'intervalle. Aucun droit ne peut être tiré de ces prix. Outre le coût de participation par personne, des frais administratifs de 150 € / Sfrs. 175 sont facturés par équipe. Une contribution obligatoire de 50 € / Sfrs. 51 par réservation s'applique également en raison de la participation de la Fondation Euro-Sportring à la SGRZ.