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Wolfsberg Cup

07 - 08 június 2025
, Wolfsberg
Egyszóval: szuper
Nemzetközi ifjúsági futball tornák, Wolfsberg, Ausztria: Wolfsberg Cup
Participating countries: 
Austria Czech Republic Italy Poland Hungary Slovakia Slovenia

Wolfsberg ben szívélyes fogadtatásban lesz része. A festői szépségű kisvárosba érkezve a résztvevők azonnal rájönnek, hogy nagyon szívesen látott vendégként kezelik őket. A Koralpe kisvárosa az otthona egy csapat nagyon tehetséges versenyszervezőnek, akik egyenként is képesek lennének megszervezni ezt a különleges tornát „ A szervezés, az adottságok, a helyszín, de főleg a vendégszeretet - mindez azt sugallja, hogy ez a torna szuper, felülmúlta minden várakozásunkat, ezek az egyik csapatvezető szavai, melyek mindent megmagyaráznak. A wolfsbergi torna minden apró részlete nagyon jól kidolgozott. A 3 wolfsbergi csapat olyan erős együttműködést alakított ki, hogy évek óta nagyon magas színvonalú az általuk pünkösdkor szervezett torna.  

Age Categories: 
Fiúk 10, Fiúk 11, Fiúk 12, Fiúk 13, Fiúk 14, Fiúk 15, Fiúk 16
ATSV Wolfsberg
Csapatok száma: 
Első szervezés: 
Afternoon /
Arrival: check-in with welcome address and information from our on-site employees in Wolfsberg. You will be informed in person about your stay and the tournament.
Evening /
Opening ceremony in ATSV Wolfsberg’s stadium.
Daytime /
Start of the match programme. The matches will be played at various locations in and around Wolfsberg. The matches will be officiated by referees from the KFV.
Evening /
Free time. See tourist information for some great tips.
Daytime /
Qualification matches and finals followed by the prize-giving ceremony by the mayor of Wolfsberg.
Afternoon /
UEFA Respect ceremony: every participant receives a medal on the podium.
Evening /
Free time. See tourist information for some great tips.
Morning /

A nemzetközi junior labdarúgó bajnokság szervezéséről nem kevesebb, mint három klub gondoskodik. A fő szervező az 1927-ben alakult ATSV Wolfberg. A klub 600 taggal és 10 ifjúsági csapattal büszkélkedhet. Több csapata is amatőr bajnok. Az Wolfsberg Cup Wolfsberg városának egyik fő eseménye. Az önkormányzat aktívan támogatja a szervezőt.

You will play the matches at various sports grounds in the Wolfsberg area. Not only do all of these locations have beautiful pitches, they also feature spacious changing rooms and cosy canteens. Exactly what you need for a successful tournament! The main location also has a modern stadium.

  • Hostel
  • School/Sportshall

The history of Wolfsberg (460 m, 25,000 inhabitants) is a long one, stretching back over a thousand years. Wolfsberg is located between Graz and Klagenfurt in Carinthia, at the foot of the Koralpe mountain range. Visitors who approach the city from the south will see the imposing Wolfsberg Castle, which towers high above the atmospheric old town. The Wolfsberg Cup is played a few kilometres from the town centre.     

Wolfsberg Stadium Pool

There's no room for boredom at the Wolfsberg Stadium Pool . You'll find a 50 metre pool, a 70m long water slide, a 10 metre high diving board, a mini-golf course and a beach volleyball court. The stadium pool is right next door to the ATSV stadium.

Wolfsberg Castle

Even back in the 12th century, this castle was famous for the excellent construction of its fortress. The local population certainly benefited from it when the Turks and Hungarians besieged the city: there was no way for them to conquer the fortress. In the 19th century, the castle underwent a facelift, but the sturdy foundations - dating back to the 15th century - were left intact. The castle was restored in the Tudor style and is now under private ownership. From May to October, it plays host to various exhibitions and visits can be conducted by arrangement.

Toboggan Run

Summer toboggan run on the Klippitztörl

The summer toboggan run is 1400 m long and reaches a height of 260 m on the Klippitztörl. The track runs along the same route as the Hochegger 2-seater chairlift, which is also for transport up and down the mountain. The track starts at a height of 1800 m and reaches a maximum incline of 43.5%, with 18 bends and a top speed of 10m/sec. Do you dare?

Sporthall Wolfsberg Cup

The Sportshalls in Wolfsberg are situated between 1 and 4 kilometres from the town centre of Wolfsberg. Besides the old town hall, the historic centre of Wolfsberg offers restaurants, cafés and shops. The tournament sports park with cafeteria is no more than 4 kilometres away. The halls are shared with other teams but divided into parts by putting up screens. Shared sanitary facilities, showers are available at the sports complex.

További információ
Gasthöfe Wolfsberg Cup

Authentic Austrian hotel accommodation has been reserved for participants in and around Wolfsberg "Gasthöfe". The picturesque town lies at the foot of the Koralpe with plenty of skiing options in the winter. The ancient centre of Wolfsberg and the tournament sites are all close by. Austrian hotels have an excellent reputation and the same applies to Wolfsberg. All accommodations have been selected by a local tourist office and offer pleasant lodging and a good night's rest.

További információ
Prices mentioned are 'from' prices and are subject to availability. All information in this pricelist is based on the prices and taxes that are known on 1 July each year. Euro-Sportring reserves the right to change prices if costs and/or taxes increase in the intervening period. No rights can be derived from these prices. In addition to the cost of participation per person, an administration fee of € 150 / £ 140 per team will be charged. A mandatory contribution of € 50 / £ 45 per booking also applies due to the participation of Stichting Euro-Sportring in the SGRZ.