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Fjord Football Cup

01 - 02 Czerwiec 2024
, Aabenraa
A complete blast!
International youth football tournament in Aabenraa, Denmark: Fjord Football Cup
Uczestniczące kraje: 
Denmark Germany Netherlands Poland Norway Sweden

If you want to have a great weekend, Aabenraa is the place to be on 1st and 2nd of June. The enthusiastic organizer offers their guests an international competition with at least six matches. All this takes place at a pleasant sports park in picturesque surroundings close to the beautiful Aabenraa Fjord, a place where Jutland is at its best. The teams are accommodated in schools in and around Aabenraa. But if you are in Aabenraa, you should also take a look at the attractive town centre with its lively waterside promenade.


Age Categories: 
Trampkarz Dziewczyny (G15), Junior młodszy Dziewczyny (G17), Orlik (U11), Młodzik (U12), Młodzik (U13), Trampkarz (U15), Junior młodszy (U17)
Aabenraa Boldklub
Ilość drużyn: 
Wydanie pierwsze: 

Aabenraa Boldklub is one of the largest football clubs in the area with around 500 members and teams for boys, girls and seniors. Both the first men's and women's team play on a regional high level. The club plays its home game at the cosy Aabenraa Stadium.

Aabenraa Boldklub is located at Aabenraa Arena close to the Aabenraa harbour and city centre. As usual in Denmark the sportcomplex has plenty of football pitches (8) for a great tournament including a  cafe/canteen and several dressing rooms. 

  • Hostel
  • School/Sportshall

Aabenraa (16,000 inhabitants) is a port city in south Jutland, on the Aabenraa fjord, around 20 kilometres from the German border. The hilly landscape surrounding the city features beech forests, small lakes and bays with lovely sandy beaches. In the city's old quarter you'll find typical 18th century craftsmen's houses and, as previously mentioned, a long, vibrant shopping centre.

Schools Fjord Football Cup

During the Fjord Football Cup several schools situated in and around Aabenraa and Rødekro are used. In general the schools are modern buildings, located in green surroundings.

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Danhostel (Rooms)

Danhostel Haderslev is a modern hostel  in a historic building, which, among other things, was a royal tenant farm in the 1700’s. The hostel’s grounds stretch all the way to Haderslev Dam, and is just a 5-minute walk to the town centre. This makes it possible to visit both the town and the country during your stay.

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Danhostel (Cabin)

Danhostel Haderslev is a modern hostel  in a historic building, which, among other things, was a royal tenant farm in the 1700’s. The hostel’s grounds stretch all the way to Haderslev Dam, and is just a 5-minute walk to the town centre. This makes it possible to visit both the town and the country during your stay.

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