Bensheim: now that is ideal
Ideals run rampant in the German town of Bensheim. The Bensheim Pokal organisers find it important for children to be able to realise their dreams and that they get the space they need for their future. These are the types of thoughts that appeal to Euro-Sportring. The new international youth football tournament in Bensheim fits perfectly in our new programme. Football players aged 9 to 19 will have a chance to gauge their football talent in a friendly atmosphere and get to know one another better. Loads of activities have been planned in addition to the matches: music, a parade, and a disco – all of which will be at the two great sports complexes with modern facilities. The surrounding areas are a picture and are among the warmest areas in Germany. Under the lee of the Odenwald hills is the Hessische Bergstraße (Hessian Mountain Road), famous wine country and a really nice place to be. Bensheim is a place where most people feel at home right away, not to mention children. It’s ideal for an unforgettable international youth football tournament at Easter.

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Про організатора
The organisers of the Bensheim Cup are Sterntaler - Kinderträume, Zukunftsräume e.V. and Förderverein „Fußball“ Kreis Bergstraße in cooperation with the local football clubs. Sterntaler was formed 2006. They organize social activities for children not only in
sports. There slogan is child dreams, future rooms. So they build their own house on the sport complex of Sportpark West. The Förderverein „Fußball“ Kreis Bergstraße supports all the about 80 local youth football clubs.